Product Information  By Humongous Entertainment Ages: 3–8 System Requirements 25MHz 68040 or Power PC 8 MB of RAM 640x480 with 256 colors System 7 or higher Double-speed CD ROM drive The third in the series, this time we follow the adventures of Freddi and his good friend Luther as they try to solve the crime of “Who stole the Golden Conch Shell?” Their Uncle Blenny has been accused, as he’s the keeper of the Conch. Your goal, as Freddi, is to find clues, solve puzzles, and ultimately find whodunnit. Now, I love a mystery. However, as I wrote above, this game is for ages 3 thru 8, for which my daughter Amanda, 4, was better qualified than myself. So, if you’ll allow me a little artistic license, she’ll take over the rest o’ the review. Hi, kids! My daddy got me Freddi the Fish 3! I put the CD in the drive, and double clicked. I was instantly transported into a bucket, being carried by a pelican to an island. He dropped us off, only for me to find my Uncle Blenny locked up. He told me to search for three golden pipes, which are part of the Golden Conch Shell.   There were puzzles to solve, as well as games to play. Sometimes, you have to play a game to solve a puzzle! After I found the three golden pipes, I followed Old Soggy the dogfish to a place right outta Indiana Jones! I got the three jewels, and found the conch, and figured out who did it! This time, it was Pierre the Tailor. However, I’ve played several times, and the culprit is different every time!   It’s Mike again. As you can see, my daughter really enjoyed the game, and I think that’s most important. The artwork is excellent, as with all the games in the Humongous Entertainment line. No noticeable delays occurred while running on my newly installed 8500. There are also demos on the disk for other games, which include Putt-Putt, Pajama Sam, and Spy Fox. My daughter wants Spy Fox for Christmas. So, as you can see, my daughter gives this game her highest rating. And I have to give this game ATPM’s highest rating as well, because this game even kept Scott intrigued, and he’s two. Copyright © 1998 Mike Shields, . Reviewing in ATPM  is open to anyone. If you’re interested, write to us at .